Getting 20% more customers to write a review for you each month. How much is that worth to you? Just so you know…you can easily do that with trustENGINE by ConnectChief
In today’s fast-paced world, technology plays a pivotal role in driving business growth and innovation. Tech startups, with their focus on leveraging technology and measuring customer feedback, have gained an edge over traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. In this blog post, we will explore why tech startups tend to grow faster and highlight strategies they employ to […]
If you are like most small businesses then you spend a large amount of your marketing budget on acquiring new customers. And… Between 60-80% of those customers do not return after their first visit! This is bad news on many fronts… Whats worse is, most small businesses have resigned to this statistic. Its all about […]
This is post 6 of 6 in the series “connectchief - the game plan” Why we’re building connectchief… Every business should build its ecosystem for growth Why did we create trustENGINE? Why we are building promoENGINE? Why are we building flexxWORK? Why we’re building loyaltyENGINE? Having a loyalty program is crucial for businesses of all […]
Did you know that understanding how your customers feel about your business is super important? Well, over 90% of businesses don’t really know what their customers think. But here’s the cool part: the businesses that do understand their customers tend to do really well. So, let’s learn how you can figure out what your customers […]
PromoEngine by connectchief promotes referral marketing techniques over traditional online marketing approaches like ads, email newletters or social media marketing. Get started with connectchief for free to find out how well it works for your business Here are some of the advantages of Referral marketing over traditional or online ads? Trust: Referral marketing is built […]
It is absolutely OK to thank customers for the effort they make in writing a review for your business. However, its OK only as long as the business owner does not have any influence on what the customer writes on the review. In fact, we’ve taken a few measures at connectchief to enable business owners […]
We’re building connectchief as a collection of tools that help businesses be more efficient at utilizing their resources, tools can that help raise the value businesses can offer to their customers with the ultimate goal of helping you (the business owner) grow your business. There are many aspects to connectchief and many more to be […]
Every business has customers who face problems. However, not all businesses are able to handle those situations very well. There is a simple formula when it comes to customer engagement for solving problems- Be transparent – when the customer is facing an issue, be transparent with them about your problem. Mistakes happen, its only human […]
Customer service is a process. It begins even before the moment a customer raises a concern with your business. From the moment a business comes in contact with the customer, the goal needs to be to assure that we’re working towards building a relationship that (mutually) matters. . Customers can reach out to a business […]
We created trustENGINE because every business whether big or small that registers with us gets unbiased reviews. The foundation principles of trustENGINE are the following – Reduce fake reviews Help proliferate the truth Accelerate the opportunity to receive feedback & improve A single venue for consumers to interact with the business Promote reviews from verified […]
trustENGINE’s mission is to bring customers and companies together by taking a fair, impartial and equal stance towards reviews. Every business has to follow the same rules, maybe free or the ones who have subscribed to our services. We are committed to be fair to all business and our customers consistently and build trust through […]
Your reviews matter to both – other shoppers and to the businesses you are reviewing. Reviews provide an opportunity for businesses and customers to build a relationship with one another. And an natural guide for new customers who may be looking to determine if a service or product will meet their needs. When you post […]
trustENGINE’s mission is to disseminate real reviews from real customers with 100% transparency. Our goal is to help genuine businesses get discovered by customers. See why we created trustENGINE? Like any reviews & ratings platform trustENGINE allows consumers to rate products, services & businesses on the basis of their real experiences and genuine interactions. The […]
This is post 3 of 6 in the series “connectchief - the game plan” Why we’re building connectchief… Every business should build its ecosystem for growth Why did we create trustENGINE? Why we are building promoENGINE? Why are we building flexxWORK? Why we’re building loyaltyENGINE? trustENGINE is an online review platform built by connectchief. Our […]
Fake reviews are a huge problem for businesses. However, how can one stop fake reviews from popping up and misguiding our end users. Fake reviews come from many sources – jealous competitors, disgruntled customers or employees or anyone who may have any reason to benefit from your business not doing well. Fake reviews can misinform […]
This is follow up to our previous post on “Why is it important to ask your users for a review“ Search engines are great ways to get customers to discover your business – whether you do business online or offline. Most small businesses with offline / in-store presences tend not to pay as much attention […]
In this technology driven age of online commerce, we all understand the benefit of product or business reviews. Regardless of whether your business is online or offline, you must focus on getting reviews. As a buyer – By reading other customer’s review(s), I can make a more informed decision about the product or business We […]
This is post 1 of 6 in the series “connectchief - the game plan” Why we’re building connectchief… Every business should build its ecosystem for growth Why did we create trustENGINE? Why we are building promoENGINE? Why are we building flexxWORK? Why we’re building loyaltyENGINE? Every large company was once a small business. team connectchief […]