PromoEngine by connectchief promotes referral marketing techniques over traditional online marketing approaches like ads, email newletters or social media marketing. Get started with connectchief for free to find out how well it works for your business Here are some of the advantages of Referral marketing over traditional or online ads? Trust: Referral marketing is built […]
The amount that small businesses spend on Google or Facebook or other online Ads varies widely, and there’s no set “average.” The amount a small business spends on Online Ads depends on several factors, including: A small business can spend anywhere from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month on Online Ads, […]
We’re building connectchief as a collection of tools that help businesses be more efficient at utilizing their resources, tools can that help raise the value businesses can offer to their customers with the ultimate goal of helping you (the business owner) grow your business. There are many aspects to connectchief and many more to be […]
Advertisements are a great way to get consumers to discover a business. Up until today advertisements have been posted either in the physical world (newspapers, magazines, billboards, hoardings or other print media) or in the digital world (TV ads, radio ads, cinema ads, website ads, mobile app ads, video ads etc). Pretty much most of […]
Advertising is a component of marketing. The goal of advertising is to inform the customer of your message. Your goal as an advertiser is to put that ad up on the right platform – one that is cost effective & results-effective, where you have the highest probability of reaching your target audience. Ads can be […]
This is post 2 of 6 in the series “connectchief - the game plan” Why we’re building connectchief… Every business should build its ecosystem for growth Why did we create trustENGINE? Why we are building promoENGINE? Why are we building flexxWORK? Why we’re building loyaltyENGINE? Every business owner wants their small business to grow into […]
Advertising is a good way to attract new customers and as a by-product also remind existing customers of your presence. However the goal of advertising is to inform the cusotmer of your message. The message in ads can be of one of 4 types. See more here Ads can be a good idea for your […]