Every business should build its ecosystem for growth2 min read

  1. Why we’re building connectchief…
  2. Every business should build its ecosystem for growth2 min read
  3. Why did we create trustENGINE?
  4. Why we are building promoENGINE?
  5. Why are we building flexxWORK?
  6. Why we’re building loyaltyENGINE?

Every business owner wants their small business to grow into a bigger business. Everyone knows how important customers are to a business but only a few realize how equally important are great partners if you are looking to build an awesome business.

+ Every other business that works with you as a supplier or provider is interested in your growth.
+ Every business that does not compete with you but serves the same set of customers is a potential partner that you need to be collaborating with.

Most businesses claim spend money on marketing however very few of them actually understand marketing. What most businesses call marketing is really advertising. They buy ads in all kinds of print or online media with the aim of reaching potential customers.

There are many much cheaper and far more efficient ways of reaching customers. One of them is making friends with those who have already befriended your target customer.

We call this – A friend to someone I wish to befriend should be my friend. Seems logical when you think of it this way. The connectchief platform enables you to discover and collaborate with businesses which are most likely to already be ‘friends with’ your target customer. If these kinds of businesses exist (and there are many of them out there) then they are most likely also interested only if you are willing to return the favor.

As long as your businesses are mutually non-competing, they will be willing to introduce you to ‘your target customers’ that they know provided that you will be introducing them to ‘their target customers’ that you know. It sure sounds like a lot of work – unless you have a sophisticated piece of software (ahem…connectchief) that can make it happen for you both.

Now that we’ve told you about businessconnect, We look forward to telling you more about connectchief … particularly promoENGINE.

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